Many dairy products offer clean ingredient labels, low added sugar, lactose-free options and natural fats. Ensuring the safety and quality of milk is important to both DPAC and Canadian consumers.

Canada’s dairy sector continues to find innovative ways to adapt to the changing environment and to meet consumer needs and expectations. Specialty dairy products such as lactose free milk, skyr, kefir, and grass-fed dairy products are examples of this responsiveness to consumer trends.

Did you know that dairy contributes to a healthy and balanced diet?

The nutrients found in dairy help you to live the healthy, active lifestyle you want, no matter your age. Dairy products are highly nutritious and play a unique and important role in healthy development throughout our lives. Here’s a summary of the nutrients and vitamins found in dairy and how they can help you in many ways*: 


Build and repair body tissues, including muscles and bones, immune system.

Vitamin A

Bone and tooth development, better night vision, healthy skin.

Vitamin B12

Red blood cell formation.

Vitamin B6

Conversion of food into energy and tissue formation, including bones.

Vitamin B2

Or “riboflavin”; conversion of food into energy and tissue formation.

Vitamin B3

Or “niacin”; normal growth, conversion of food into energy and tissue formation, including bones.

Vitamin B1

Or “thiamine”; releases energy from carbohydrates and normal growth.

Vitamin B5

Or “pantothenic acid”; conversion of food into energy and tissue formation, including bones.

Vitamin D

Better calcium and phosphorus absorption, stronger bones and teeth.


Formation and maintenance of strong bones and healthy teeth.


Bone and teeth health, conversion of food into energy and tissue formation.


Formation and maintenance of strong bones and healthy teeth.


Correct functioning of nerves and muscles.


Tissue formation, including bones, and conversion of food into energy.


Correct functioning of the immune system and antioxidant effect.

DPAC and its members know that, more than ever before, Canadians are interested in understanding how the food they eat contributes to their health. Understanding how dairy contributes to a balanced diet is important to us as well. This is why our team continues to read and find scientific evidence on dairy nutrients benefits. 

Whether it is a glass of milk, a cup of yogurt or some cheese with your lunch, dairy products are packed with many of the essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals needed for good health, immune function, good digestion, and strong bones and muscles.

In fact, dairy products are a key source of 6 of the 8 nutrients that most Canadians already don’t get enough of: calcium, magnesium, zinc, vitamin A, vitamin D, and potassium.

Studies support milk consumption as part of a healthy diet. Choosing the best healthy diet for your specific needs, involves many factors, such as lifestyle, genetics and health history.